Kobe Art Marché 2024

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1991年より日本の現代美術を中心に、独自の概念に基づき、数多の作家発掘、展覧会他展示企画、アートフェアに至るまで多方面にわたる活動を行う。海外との交流や、公立美術館へも多く納品歴をもつ。 今世紀初頭から美術と工芸の交点に位置する作家たちを多く発掘、その分類に「巧術」という名を与え、日本からの現代美術の回答として標榜している。 現在は都下調布深大寺の歴史的建造物「玄趣庵」と、金沢21世紀美術館に隣接する「金澤水銀窟」を展示会場として展覧会企画のほか、国内外アートフェア、百貨店、美術館企画に携わる。
Since 1991, we have been involved in a wide range of activities, from discovering numerous artists, planning exhibitions, and organizing art fairs, based on his own unique conception of contemporary Japanese art. We have also been involved in international exchanges and has delivered many works to public art museums. Since the beginning of this century, we have discovered many artists at the intersection of fine arts and crafts, and has given the name ""KOH-JUTSU"" to this category, advocating it as an answer to contemporary art from Japan. Currently, we are involved in planning exhibitions at ""GEN-SCH-AN,"" a historical building in Jindaiji, Chofu, Tokyo, and ""Kanazawa Mercury Cave,"" adjacent to the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, as well as planning domestic and international art fairs, department stores, and museums.

〒182-0011 東京都調布市深大寺北町2-36-3

Tel. 090-1840-0063

E-mail. roentgen@gol.com

Web. https://www.facebook.com/roentgenkunstinstitut

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佐藤 好彦
Coffee and Art/ 2024 / H17.5 × W42 cm