Kobe Art Marché 2025

Room No:


2006年より岐阜県美術館近くに店舗を構え、温故知新を標榜し新しい表現に挑む作家を支援している。 取扱品目:近現代絵画を中心に、骨董・刀剣類まで多岐に渡る。 取扱作家:栗木義夫(彫刻)・坂本一樹(日本画)・清水温度(現代美術)・高柳むつみ(陶芸)・服部しほり(日本画)・吉田友幸(油彩画)・岡田敏幸(木工) 春田幸彦(七宝)・塩見亮介(鍛金)・寺倉京古(陶芸)・鈴木優作(陶芸) 佐野健児(油彩画)・まめ猫(マンガ)
Since 2006, the store has been set up near The Museum of Fine Arts,Gifu. We advocate learning new from the past and support artists who challenge new expressions. Items handled: Mainly modern paintings, antiques and swords. Artists handled: Yoshio Kuriki (sculpture), Ikki Sakamoto (Japanese painting), Ondo Shimizu (contemporary art), Mutsumi Takayanagi (ceramics), Shihori Hattori (Japanese painting), Tomoyuki Yoshida (oil painting), Toshiyuki Okada (woodworking), Haruta Yukihiko (cloisonne), Ryosuke Shiomi (metal-smith), Kyoko Terakura (ceramics), Yusaku Suzuki (ceramics), Kenji Sano (oil painting) Mame neko (manga)

〒500-8364 岐阜県岐阜市本荘中ノ町10-43-1

Tel. 058-277-0285

E-mail. info@art-taguchi.com

Web. https://art-taguchi.com/

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