- Room No:
- 1329
- From:
- 東京
1975年創業以来、国内外の画家を中心に企画展を開催。1990年より20年に亘り全国の美術館を巡回してきた両洋の眼展(Exhibition “RYOUYOUNOME”)では、日本の絵画の”今”を発信してまいりました。 現在は百貨店、画廊での企画展を中心に日本画・洋画を幅広くご紹介しております。弊社の特徴は1970年代から写実に力を注ぎ、写実の巨匠野田弘志画伯の個展を日本各地の他ベルギー、ポルトガルで紹介し高い評価を得ました。
Since its establishment in 1975, it has held exhibitions focusing on Japanese and foreign artists.”We have been touring museums across the country for 20 years since 1990, and we have been presenting the “”now”” of Japanese paintings.” Currently, we are introducing a wide range of Japanese and Western paintings, focusing on planning exhibitions at department stores and art galleries.Our company’s characteristics have been focused on realism since the 1970s, and we have received high praise for introducing private exhibitions by real master painter Hiroshi Noda in various parts of Japan, Belgium and Portugal.
〒105-0011 東京都港区芝公園3-1-14FLEX芝公園1F
TEL. 03-5733-5377
E-mail. info@tohoart.com
Website. http://tohoart.com/